Does A Router Crashes With Too Many Connections?- Quick Fixes In 2023

Does your Wifi crash when you connect to many devices? Are you trying to figure out whether your router or the ISP is the culprit here? 

If your router performs well in other situations but crashes with too many connections then your router is the main culprit here because every router can only support a certain number of devices. But how to solve it? 

Well, in this article, I will discuss why a router crashes with too many connections, how to fix this, how many devices a router can handle, and all the related queries. So, stick here till the end. 

Let’s start by answering whether too many devices can affect wifi.

Can Too Many Devices Affect Wifi? 

Yes, too many devices can affect wifi. Because your bandwidth is limited and your home router has no powerful processor or a large amount of RAM. 

Too many devices on a wifi network can definitely affect the performance of the network. This is because each device that is connected to the network is using up bandwidth and resources that could be used by other devices. This can lead to a lot of wifi issues. 

So, what happens if too many devices on wifi? 

What Happens If Too Many Devices On Wifi? 

When there are too many devices connected to a wifi network, the available bandwidth for each device decreases. Moreover, the processor and RAM of the router struggle to keep up. 

This can cause problems with devices that need a lot of bandwidth, like streaming video and audio. It can also cause devices to run more slowly, or even time out completely. As a result, you can experience slower speeds, dropped connections, and even network congestion.

But can too many devices crash a router? 

Can Your Router Crash With too Many Connections?

Yes, your router can crush with too many connections. However, here crush means stutterers or auto restarts. Moreover, router overload or crash is not common unless you are using a pretty old router. 

However, it’s important to understand that there are different types of routers. There are simple routers that are used in homes and small businesses, and there are more complex routers that are used in larger businesses and organizations.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the two different types of routers and see if they can handle different numbers of connections.

A home or small business router is typically a single processor router. They also have limited RAM. Now every device connected to the router uses a certain portion of CPU power and RAM. Moreover, with more usage of CPU and  RAM, the router will start to heat up.  

With heat and substantial CPU and RAM usage, your home router will start to drop performance. This means that the router can only handle a certain number of connections at one time. If that number is exceeded, the router will start to stutter and eventually crash.

So, if you have an old router and face this issue then check our review on the best routers for 50 devices

On the other hand, larger organizations or public space routers are typically multi-processor routers. This means that they have more CPU power and RAM too. So, they don’t struggle with a lot of connections. That’s the reason hundreds of devices can connect to a mall or public space wifi. 

Furthermore, if you use a new router then crashes are not common. But you can experience other issues. So, 

Does Having Too Many Devices On Wifi Slow It Down?

Yes, too many devices on wifi can slow down a router. However, it depends on your router and bandwidth. For example, a  google nest wifi system can support 200+ devices with the right bandwidth.  

In a wifi system, the amount of bandwidth each device uses on a wifi network is determined by its 802.11 standards. The most common 802.11 standard is 802.11g or 2.4 GHz, which can support up to 54 Mbps. Though some newer versions can support up to 150-300 Mbps. 

 But if you have a device that uses the newer 802.11ac standard or 5GHz, it can support up to 433 Mbps. 

So, if you have a 400 Mbps bandwidth and your router has a 5Ghz band then bandwidth won’t be the reason to slow your wifi down.  

In case, your devices are not using a lot of bandwidth, then having more devices on the network will not slow it down.

On the other hand, Too many devices will eat up most of the CPU power and RAM of your router. As a result, your router will heat up and start to drop performance. So, it will slow the internet down. 

So, How many devices can a router handle without crashing or slowing down? 

How Many Devices Can A Router Handle?

Actually, it depends on the router model and specification. However, home routers are designed to handle a limited number of devices. Typically, a home router can handle between 20 and 50 devices. It can go as high as 250 device support. 

Normally, all consumer routers come with a configuration that will support 253 IP addresses. Meaning they have the capacity to support 253 devices.  However, supporting that many devices will require powerful processors and RAM. 

But to make the routers affordable the router companies sacrifice this powerful hardware and release routers with less powerful hardware. As a result, most home routers only support 20-30 devices. 

The number can also vary depending on the make and model of the router, as well as the age of the router. For example, gaming routers may be able to handle more devices because they have a higher processing power.  

Routers that are made for streaming video or music may also be able to handle more devices because they have higher bandwidth.

On the other hand, if you do not have a performance router then not all your devices need to be connected to the router at the same time. In fact, most devices only need to be connected when they are in use. This means that a router can easily handle more than 20 devices if they are not all being used at the same time.

Another thing to consider is that not all devices require the same level of bandwidth. A router can easily handle a few devices that require high bandwidth, such as a 4K TV, while still accommodating a large number of devices that only require a lower bandwidth.

But what about dual-band routers? Do each band support a particular number of devices? 

How Many Devices Can 2.4ghz Support?

Actually, bands do not determine how many devices a network will support. But the router does. However, from a bandwidth perspective, a 2.4GHz signal band can support up to 12 devices. Assuming each device only uses a 2.4GHz signal. 

But the number is much higher due to your router’s hardware power. So, what about 5GHz? 

How Many Devices Can 5ghz Support?

This is a difficult question to answer without knowing more about the router model.  Generally speaking, 5GHz can support more devices than 2.4GHz. Because it has more available bandwidth. So, from a bandwidth perspective 5GHz can support at least 32 devices. 

However, each device’s maximum data rate is also limited by its protocol and the distance it can communicate with the router. So, in some cases, 5GHz may not be able to support as many devices as 2.4GHz.

Now, let’s find out how to solve too many devices on WiFi issues. 

How To Fix Too Many Devices On Wifi Issues 

Though there is no exact solution for this other than upgrading your router. However, you can try to make your home network more efficient. This can partially solve router crashing with too many devices on wifi. 

Here are a few things you can do to try and prevent your router from crashing when too many devices on wifi are connected.

1. First, try to limit the number of devices that are connected to the router at any one time. This can be done with the help of your router app. 

2. Secondly, try to purchase a wifi access point or second router. It will help you diversify your network and put less pressure on the main router. 

3. Upgrade your router’s firmware to the latest version. This can help to improve the router’s performance and stability.

4. You can also try to place your router in a spot where most of your devices re-situated. It will reduce the work of the antennas and your router will heat less. As a result, it will not drop performance. 

5. Use a wired connection for devices that need the most bandwidth.

These are some of the tricks you can apply to make your home network more efficient. It will be effective in the short term. But if you face your router crashing with too many devices on wifi frequently then I would suggest you get a router with more power and bandwidth

Final Words 

I hope my explanation of does a router crashes with too many connections have come in handy for you. If you have any questions let me know in the comments. 

Lastly, in case you are experiencing router crashes with too many connections and you still have a warranty then contact your router manufacturer. Otherwise, purchasing a new router would be a wise decision. 

That’s it for now. Have a great day!

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